J000h Game House SEO Proposal


Your brand requires a full Website build to support your digital growth strategy. This Website will allow you expose your brand to organic audiences via search engines, getting you HIGHER PAYING CUSTOMRS, the website would also leverage digital advertising, showing your Designs to an even Wider - International Audience , and Finaly, content marketing to build brand awareness and authority.
Fyestroke Digital proposes to provide you / your brand with a full package of Website design, configuration, training and strategic-marketing services.
We want to improve your “Conversion” (from visitor - to customer) by 50% for mobile users which, given the current percentage of users who visit websites on mobile devices currently, and this should impact & increase your sales by 20% per month. Now that’s what you’d call responsive, don’t you agree?
Note : The scope and tasks required to complete this project will follow the timelines outlined within, in order to deliver the components at the Price / Costs listed.
Proposed By

Nwosu Precious

In Discussion With

Client - XXXXXX

The Challenges!

What we suggest your Company needs.

The Solution & Key Project Outcomes.

This solution will require the following ‘Resources’.

Start & Estimated End Date: @9/8/2022 till @9/30/2022
Timeline: 21-26 Days from Kickoff
Budget: $X,XXX
(An option to extend the project scope will be made available pending project progression. If requested, this will include the new deliverables, and the additional budget will be included.)
Got Any Questions?
Below you can Create new Steps / Milestones required to Complete this Clients Project(s)
Proposal signed
2022/08/02 → 2022/08/04
Proposal signed
2022/08/02 → 2022/08/04
Disclaimer: The dates in the table above are estimates based on our experience with similar Website development projects. While We strive to accurately estimate project timelines in every proposal, We reserve the right to move delivery dates in response to unforeseen delays or changes to project requirements.
Item & Description
I want this
Monthly Recuring
One Time Fee
Tax (10%): +00,000.00 Total Sum: #0,000,000.00
NOTE: This fee summary is based on work performed on a fixed cost basis. Should the scope of the project change after acceptance of terms and pricing, we will provide a detailed scope change to define additional work and associated costs.

~ The Real Cost = ₦4,000,000+ ......in Profit !!! ~

Payment for the project will be due on the following terms:
50% Advance, and 50% after work is done / after project completion, as Project is scheduled to be completed within 1 months from initiation payment date.
If requested, For your Website's Monthly Service ( Managed hosting, Updates & Maintenance, Security & Backups, Digital Marketing Plan ) You will receive subsequent invoices once every 30 days for the next 11 months for Your Project.
When Payment Recieved to Bank Details : 889888966 Keystone Bank, You Recieve your Welcome packet, & we get started with your Project immediately.

Key Deliverables / What you’ll recieve after Project Completion.

How We'll Work Together


While I generally work flexibly, we can lay out some basic, informal structures to help guide the project engagement. Here are a few passing notes that might help:
Sessions with a 'Call Needed' should be scheduled 24 hours in advance where possible;
Honest and early feedback is always appreciated. I like to share working documents for feedback early, so you should have plenty of opportunity; and
Weekends: I like to keep them free for personal work—but I like to see things moving, also. I will keep a line open and be reachable, but will typically respond on Monday morning unless urgent.
Contract / Terms Of Service

Rights to work

All rights to any services, plans, ideas and inputs will automatically be owned by [the client] I do, however, reserve the right to showcase any relevant results or outcomes of our work together for personal promotional purposes in future.


Payments can be made via [bank transfer, cheque, Bitcoin, Upwork Escrow System, etc...].
50% of the stated budget can be paid and cleared upfront as a Kick-Off Milestone.
The remaining 50% is then only to be paid on successful delivery of all agreed items.

See Some Of Our Recent Works

Got Any Questions?

Once you’ve reviewed the Timeline & Pricing above, simply click Next Steps below to approve your Web design project & pay 50% of the project price. We will reach out to you to schedule your initial discovery session within 24 hours.

We're ready to go, are you...?